Nowadays, men can easily overcome gynecomastia. With the development of cosmetic medicine, surgeons can treat a large number of gynecomastia patients every day. Gynecomastia surgery is a simple procedure in which the doctor makes a small incision on both sides of the chest using modern cosmetic techniques. The doctor then removes fat and glandular tissue in the breast area. He then re-sculpt the chest circumference once more to give a natural look.
Weight loss helps some men to treat gynecomastia, but, in many cases, this does not work because there are excess glandular tissues that cannot be excreted by weight loss. So it requires the patient to undergo Gynecomastia removal surgery to get rid of gynecomastia.
The development in the field of cosmetic medicine and the technology used therein resulted in three different techniques used in the surgery of removing gynecomastia in men; the technique used in the procedure is determined by the patient’s condition and according to the size of the gynecomastia problem.
Techniques used in surgeries of removing gynecomastia in men include:
- Liposuction: In this technique, the doctor removes the accumulated fat and glandular tissue located under the breast using Vaser technology, which is used to remove fat.
- Surgical Removal: In this technique, the doctor removes the entire breast with the fatty and glandular tissue. This technique is performed using an endoscope.
- Integration Technology: This last technology is based on the combination of the first and second technologies. The subcutaneous breast is removed by a laser, which in turn dissolves and accumulated fat and disassemble them.
The success of the surgery to remove gynecomastia depends mainly on the skill and efficiency of the surgeon to get guaranteed results and a natural appearance.
There are several non-surgical methods to remove gynecomastia in men, such as the use of certain medical drugs that treat gynecomastia or exercise and follow a healthy diet. However, these methods do not work for all cases of gynecomastia in men. That is why the surgery of removing gynecomastia is an effective and rapid solution.
Some men are surprised by some unusual changes that appear in the breast area, and anxiety begins to dominate them because they do not know the causes of these symptoms and the changes that occur. Anyone who suffers from gynecomastia is considered a candidate for the surgery of removing gynecomastia. The symptoms of gynecomastia in men are:
- An abnormal increase of breast size in men.
- Noticeable bulging of the breast and tissues around it accompanied by swelling.
- The feeling of pain when pressure is applied on the area of the breast.
- The appearance of clusters of tissue and sebaceous glands under the nipples.
- Visible protrusion in the form of the nipple as it approaches the ossification.
- Occasionally a general sagging in the size of the breast occurs.
- Secretions discharge from either one nipple or two nipples together.
- The appearance of some sores around the area of the breast.
You should see your doctor immediately if you experience any of the below symptoms. So the doctor can determine the size of the gynecomastia and how well the condition develops. The doctor also detects the patient’s health in preparation for the surgery of removing gynecomastia. The patient who will undergo the surgery of removing gynecomastia should follow some tips before undergoing the operation:
- Stop smoking for a while before the operation (two weeks – a month).
- Stop having antibiotics and aspirin as well as anti-inflammatories.
- Refrain from having herbal supplements to avoid any bleeding during the surgery.
- Stop having any medications that have a negative impact on the surgery of removing gynecomastia.
The problem of gynecomastia in men ends after the surgery, provided that the patient follows the advice and instructions of the doctor accurately after the operation, to obtain guaranteed results and recovery period without complications:
- Sleep straight and stay away from bending so that the wound does not suffer any complications.
- Have a full rest for at least three days after the surgery is over.
- Avoid drinking any soft drinks or alcohol and avoid smoking for a while after the operation (two weeks – a month).
- Adhere to have the painkillers and medication on time accurately as recommended by the doctor.
- Avoid stress and exercises that require much effort for the period after the surgery (two weeks).
- Avoid driving in the first days after the operation.
- Rely on liquids in the first days after the surgery until the introduction of solid foods is done gradually into the diet.
Shrikrishna V. Acharya, Clinical features, presentation and hormonal parameters in patients with pubertal gynecomastia
Johnson R., Murad, M., Gynecomastia: Pathophysiology, Evaluation, and Management (2009)
The surgery of removing gynecomastia in men is a simple procedure with few stages. After anesthesia, the surgeon makes a small incision on both sides of the chest using one of the techniques that are used to remove gynecomastia in men. Through these small incisions, the doctor removes the fat and glandular tissue of the breast. At the same time, he reshapes the back circumference to make it look perfectly natural.